State Use ProgramsSupporting & Growing
Ability Network of Delaware’s State Use Program, with the guidance of the Commission for Statewide Contracts to Support Employment for Individuals with Disabilities, currently facilitates the development of meaningful work opportunities for persons with disabilities through two lines of business: temporary employment services, and janitorial services.
Under the auspices of the state use law (see Title 16, Chapter 96 of the Delaware state code), A.N.D. is able to develop, secure, and manage the contracts established with agencies of the state and subsequently subcontracts them to community rehabilitation providers like Easter Seals, Goodwill of Delaware, ServiceSource, Fedcap, Conexio Care, and Chimes.
This model effectively allows nonprofit agencies and our rehabilitation partners in the state to increase vocational placement outcomes, develop affiliated training programs, support disability employment initiatives, and, most importantly, significantly increase the number of work opportunities made available to Delawareans with disabilities.
The contracts held by A.N.D. are socially, fiscally, and operationally responsible for the state of Delaware and its citizens.
Socially responsible
Contracts secured through state use law are designed to ensure that over 75% of the direct labor is performed by people with documented disabilities. This enables an overlooked labor force the ability to move from tax recipients to taxpayers and empowers the population to reach their fullest potential through the power of work. The impact of the program is reported to the governor each year in the state use law commission annual report.
Fiscally responsible
Contracts made available through state use law also are managed by a state commission to ensure they represent fiscally responsible enterprises for the state of Delaware.
Operationally responsible
A.N.D. works closely with our clients to ensure that the highest quality standards are maintained while servicing your contract. A.N.D. clients are given one point of contact for all matters relating to the contract.
For more information on A.N.D.’s state use program or if your business is interested in hiring persons with disabilities, please contact the Ability Network of Delaware offices at (302)622-9177.